Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Visual Narratives - screen print/map

We were given a group brief to go on an adventure and make a 2 colour screen printed map from the results. I was quite excited by the brief but unsure about the fact it was group work (its normally a bit uncomfortable). Also, the day we went on the adventure was super rainy- which made it hard to adventure and keep feeling positive. I think all 3 of us felt a bit lost- didn't really have a plan/know what we were doing. Generally collected drawings/photos/ephemera as we went along. 

When we were putting the poster together it felt like we had a lot of stuff but not much of it was really connected and none of us could really think a definite way to bring it together. It felt like it took quite a lot of effort but in the end, the making of the screens came together really quickly and I liked how they looked- felt like it had all come together spontaneously and I was really happy with how it had turned out. 

The actual screen print/induction was so good. I had not screen printed since the end of foundation and it gave me such joy to do it again. I was really happy with the prints and the fairly free approach to printing was so much fun- over printing, not properly registering etc. (kind of how I approached it at foundation). 

crop of my fav. print- like how colours have been
overlaid - nice shapes, good textures on the red.

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