Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Visual Narratives brief 2 intro WEATHER

I thought the brief sounded very exciting and I am looking forward to getting stuck in. I chose the starting point weather.

My initial thoughts/up shoot from conversations were... (most viable ones in bold)

How weather is always about but most of the time you don't notice it (only when its very good/very bad.) 
Weather is a go to conversation filler- if you are struggling to talk about weather talk about the weather. 
Some people live in wild conditions due to the weather- Northern hemisphere where its really cold and dark almost 24hrs a day (darkness is not really weather is it?) They feel sad quite a lot and there are a lot of devil worshippers.
The people on st. Kilda in Scotland who evolved to have mad feet to climb cliffs and kill sea birds to eat.
All the people who live in deserts, houses that are adapted for hot places.
Some animals live in much more extreme places than people (Planet Earth 2)
Global warming is changing weather- what happens to the polar bears?
The shipping forecast
Weather affects peoples mood.
How does somewhere recover after it's been affected by extreme weather? (e.g. floods) Lots of Leeds was flooded a few years ago but you couldn't tell now.
Sun beds- artificial sun
Fake snow
People who deal with extreme weather in their hobbies- walkers, skiers, surfers, kite flyers.
Weather in different seasons. -is the weather what signals changing seasons?
Weathered surfaces.
Preserving things that are being weathered- old buildings and the coast line.
Hibernating animals, wild adaptions that animals have for their environments.

I think the two that stick in my head most are extreme weather (depending on how extreme/which extremes this might not be great for winter in Yorkshire) and 'normal' weather (which is probably quite hard to make seem interesting)

Maybe approach the social side of weather? or the physical affect of weather on landscape? so many scattered thoughts. Need to start researching to focus this down a bit.

I'm not really sure where to go on the trip- the seaside interested me- theres quite a different kind of weather by the sea, fishermen see some of the wildest weather; the moors (sees extreme types of weather) or just stay in Leeds (weather is always all around after all). Country side or seaside is probably most exciting for going for a stroll in- I think I just want to wander aimlessly/get lost, make some drawings collect some things etc. 

In terms of the conversations I had a few thoughts- my grandma- older people love talking about the weather and my grandma is great at conversation. Also I have a relative on the Isle of Man who loves complaining about the wild weather, the island gets cut off when the weather is bad and the weather is quite often bad. Maybe they would be able to reflect on how weather has changed through their life/ weather at different times of their lives. Maybe I could talk to one of my friends who do geology about weathering/erosion- maybe a bit dry? maybe I need some dry conversation? I could just record every conversation I have about the weather for a week (lots of short recordings).

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