Monday, 15 April 2019

Print Planning

Having a struggle working out compositions for prints. Using elements that have been in previous prints - not sure wether its looking too derivative. For eg. got colour sep. sorted on one print (slide 3) But has elements similar to a print I did at the beginning of the year. The two prints are different but are they different enough? Trying to wrap my head around composing prints again. Also trying to make sure they are based on some kind of theme (not just random scraps I have lying around.) - which makes me doubt the point of doing print on slide 3. Feels like I'd just like to do a few prints to round off this project. I had a moment where I felt like the project (creative side) was finished the other day. I don't think it does just yet, but it nearly is. (a few more prints, a final book of some kind and some kind of arrangement (composition) for exhibiting). Applications and extras after that. (3d printing?).

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