Saturday, 18 February 2017

3D giffin'

After having strong fears of the 3D gif, the cultural phenomenon of the origami swan came to me yesterday. I was unsure about lens but in the end I thought I could make it in a sink either filling up or going down. After testing the sink draining make more sense. 

I found the idea of the swan in the little sink a bit funny - after seeing the videos of the lovely swans on big lakes. I wonder whether the swan in the sink might look like a bit out of a cop out though? The photos were surprisingly fast and painless compared to the crafting in the other gifs.

I used a tripod but must have still been knocking/shaking it as the image moves a bit. I wonder whether the framing of the shot is right. Maybe a slightly higher angle would have shown it better? I like having the tap and plug in that show it is a sink v clearly but what if it was a bit more zoomed in? Could I have used a kitchen sink? So many questions. 

I feel there is something missing to it/making it not as good as it could be but I can't work it out. I think I often have this with 3D/lens - knowing it isn't as good as it could be but not knowing why or how.

After taking the photos this morning, I went in and made them into the gifs. In the end I had these 2 - both with their own flaws. Would probably go with the second.
Unnecessary frames at the end? 

Slightly lower res?
Now the gifs are done I feel like the brief has challenged me and pushed me out of my comfort zone. Learning something new is exciting but also I have found them time consuming. Probably would consider doing them again if it lent itself to a brief. They do show how tricky I find digital work and they a bit simple/crude. Doesn't stop me from wanting to do it more and conquer it.

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