I started 'Printed Pictures' by looking at trade union banners and George Orwell’s non-fiction work. from the start, I wanted to make 5 prints (really with screen prints being likely). I also had a plan that if I had time I would try making a book and banner by printing on fabric.
For much of the project I focused on the trade union banner idea too much and it became too rigid as pat of the project. As time went on, finding a way of making the influence of the trade union banners more implied than obvious became more important. I think with the collages that became the final prints I achieved this. I found the process of making the final prints was really exciting and the fact I enjoyed it so much motivated me, which in turn meant I was in the print room a lot.
I liked working with lino print; especially loosely, for example only having a loose idea of what you are going to cut before cutting and making it quite simple. I became a big fan of lino cut type during this project because of the scratchy, wonky look of it.
I didn’t explore mono print as much as I could have done - I mostly used mono print textures (which I already have a lot of - so didn’t need to do any more printing.) Some techniques such as wiping off areas of ink is something that I would probably use in future.
I rediscovered my love for photocopying and it became an important part of the project mostly for creating imagery - enlarging, copying, inverting etc…
For the final 5 prints I went in with 10 screens planning to work out arrangements and colour combinations on the bed. I ended up getting a bit carried away and made a huge range of different combinations. (again, working very quickly in the print room). Although I found they didn’t alway look as clean as I’d like (probably just as a side effect of working quickly and not being 100% careful with lining up etc. ) the finals did look nicer. I think printmaking is a good technique for me as its limitations offer a way for me to not do too much experimentation (to the stage of ridiculousness). Through working in the print room I did 3 and 4 colour prints as well as the 2 colour prints. I think the 4 colour prints were the most successful and the 2 colour prints look incomplete in comparison now. I really enjoyed this experimental approach to screen printing.