Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Finished metamorphosis. I liked it quite a lot - especially the darkness of it. Its something I can see a fair amount of visuals in. I don't feel like it is enough material to do a project about - I don't have a deeper understanding of Kafka's work more broadly and although I think I'm going to read some more of his short stories I feel like there is more potential in George Orwell.

 As someone who often struggles reading I think George Orwell is just a bit easier to read and understand. I have been in the darkroom today - will go back again. I would like to have some of the photos I took with and eye to retouching/collaging printed soon - so I get working on this project in a bigger way - however, at the moment I'm trying to print a series of photos I took on the Isle of Man at the beginning of the summer.